
Saturday, November 25, 2017

Pioneers of RG&E Newsletter - 11/25/2017

A Newsletter for Retirees * Also posted at
Happy Holidays! I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful and you are prepared for Christmas and whatever other holidays you celebrate.

Click reply and let me know if there are other things you'd like to hear about. Though I know you love hearing about the obituaries, and company stuff if I can find anything interesting, I'd love to know if there are other general topics you'd like me to share. I think the majority of this audience is the retired bunch, over 60 years of age. I don't know what is interesting to you at this point in your lives!

If you have things to share with the bunch, you can email me that information and I can paste updates into this newsletter. Chances are, if you would like to hear about what other retirees are up to and how their lives are going, so does everyone else...

Avangrid offers Separation Package
At the end of September, there was a voluntary early separation package offered to a select group of employees across the companies. The various departments had different eligibility rules and exclusions. But the majority of the eligibility rules required them to be 55 and have at least 15 years of service. This was offered to about 270 employees. The package offered was a week of pay for every year of service plus $40K cash. They had until November 15th to decide and November 30th will be their last day if they chose to accept. It is unknown how many have accepted this package. 
The RG&E Armed Forces Club held their annual Veterans Day service on November 10th. There are a couple of pictures below. 
Retirements - Click name for party information!
Gary Litto
Rudy Conaway
Obits - NONE!!
I did not see any obituaries this month (finally). 
If you know of folks that should be getting this newsletter - have them check their spam or junk folders. I have come across a few that we send to, request that I put their email in, but they never open them, so I assume they are caught up in spam.
Newsletter & User Maintenance:
Update Profile - help us collect retiree info!

Contact: /

Copyright © 2017 Pioneers of RG&E, All rights reserved.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Pioneers of RG&E Newsletter - 11/04/2017

A Newsletter for Retirees * Also posted at
Hello everyone,
Sorry, it has been such a long time since the last newsletter (June). Summer has been quite busy over here and there is a lot to catch up on! I hope this finds you well and warm. Everyone says it is going to be a long, snowy winter...stay warm and stay SAFE!
The August Picnic
This year was one of my favorites yet! We had great weather again and a great turnout - about 205 folks showed up. I'd say our consistent base of about 200 retirees each year shows you how special this event really is.

Special thanks to Arnie and Ann Stockslader, Mary Dibble and Fred Worden who are my "happy to help" volunteers that help me keep my sanity every year!

I'm super excited folks liked my lanyard idea - versus the stick-on name tags, so I'll keep that going, though next year we'll make sure your name is on both sides because they do spin around a lot.

Many of you missed our 50/50 raffle, unfortunately both my volunteers had other things come up and couldn't make it. Hopefully we'll be able to reinstate that next year.

ALSO, a super special thanks to Ken Kuzia - he took a lot of wonderful pictures this year at the picnic and has been happy to share them with you. Be sure to check them out here when you get a chance: 2017 Picnic Pictures

Next year marks our 80th year...we'll have to add in some special giveaways or something! Email me with any ideas. The event will be at the same place August 2, 2018. 

The RG&E Armed Forces Club will be holding a service for Veterans Day on Friday, November 10, 2017 at NOON at the RG&E Service Center at 1300 Scottsville Road.
RG&E has moved to a new HR Hub as one-stop shopping for their employees. Not sure if this is also for retirees, but that phone number is 1-833-246-6347
FREE! Who doesn't love free??
Please click HERE for more information on some free workshops.
Some are already over, but some still are open - Medicare, Power of Attorney and Care-giving Series are some of the available workshops.
If you have any questions, you can contact our friend Julie Murawski at (585) 287-6382 or
Since many of you complain about benefits and RG&E, don't underestimate the other resources available to you regarding healthcare and other things. There are many support opportunities at Lifespan and they are often free!
Obits - since June 11, 2017
The names should be clickable to their obituary link:
Costanzo Marianetti (one we missed from May)
Daniel Benedetto
Ruth E. Maher
Raymond Batz
John J. "Jack" Haskell
Charles V. Hartlieb
William L. Gleason
Timothy J. Scanlon
Sally Crowley
John J. Andrews Jr.
Vito E. Vincelli
Diane McAllister
Joseph Hartman
Maria Harrington

And very sad, Joey, the son of John (Rags) Radell passed away in a terrible accident a couple of weeks ago: Joseph Radell
If you know of folks that should be getting this newsletter - have them check their spam or junk folders. I have come across a few that we send to, request that I put their email in, but they never open them, so I assume they are caught up in spam.
Newsletter & User Maintenance:
Update Profile - help us collect retiree info!

Contact: /

Copyright © 2017 Pioneers of RG&E, All rights reserved.
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