
Sunday, July 1, 2018

Pioneers of RG&E Newsletter - 07/01/2018

A Newsletter for Retirees * Also posted at
Hello friends,
   Happy July! Boy it is hot, hot, hot outside. My weather app on my phone said it was 98 degrees yesterday with a "feels like" 121 degrees! See picture! I hope that you are staying cool. If you don't have AC I hope you have lots of fans, drink ice water, wear sunscreen if you need to be outside and ask for help if you need it. I like to wear bandannas soaked in cold water - either on my head or around my neck. This weather can be very bad for the elderly. Heat stroke is no joke, so watch out for each other and check in. Here are some other tips.
   In this newsletter I'm going to try and catch up on the last few months of things I haven't had time to post yet. Lots of goodies inside.
Warmest regards,
2018 Rochester Pioneer's Picnic

Though the deadline has passed, I will always accept anyone that wants to attend. You can keep sending in your checks up until July 27th - I just needed a good headcount for GIFTS I wanted to provide this year, so if you pay after the deadline, you may not be able to get one (I did order some extras though). I only ask that you pay ahead of time unless you have special circumstances that prevent you from doing so.  
Details - click here
If anyone needs help paying for the picnic, there is an anonymous donor willing to help!
And, I've heard Tony Ferrari kept a lot of RG&E memorabilia, we may be receiving some items from the family to raffle off. We also plan on having a 50/50 again this year. 
Ed Messmer update from Dave Kaspersin:
06/22/18: Post from Facebook:
Saw Ed today. He is much improved.
We took him a picture from 30 years ago, of Ed, Kevin Sullivan, Dave Masella and me at a party.
Jackie and I could not remember where the party was or who it was for. Ed remembered BOTH.
06/06/18: Post from Facebook:
Ed got moved back to rehab last week. He's on the 5th floor, 1200, room 22 now and is receiving rehab. I just talked to Vic this morning, he had talked to Debbie and Ed is status quo from last week which was so-so. He had been vomiting and they're trying to figure out the cause of it. He looked pretty good last Wednesday when I was up there. They were working on his speech again. He still has his sense of humor. I thought someone mentioned they had him standing up trying to use a walker which sounded encouraging. I'm not sure how much progress he had with that though. I think that's about all I've got for an update. I think tomorrow will mark 17 weeks. Substations, SCADA and the Standards Lab took up a collection and Vic Novello is arranging for their lawn to be taken care of with the collection. Any extra will be used for snow plowing.
One sad thing is Debbie had to retire Ed from RG&E so last Thursday was Ed's official last day as an employee. She had talked to Ed about it be is not sure if he remembers it. His long term memory still seems to be intact.
Thanks for inquiring about him. I know the family appreciates everyone's thoughts. Debbie has mentioned that several times.
Email from Bob Richardson 4/15/18: (the picture in the link is poor quality, but maybe you can recognize folks - Molly)
Molly this picture was taken 2/21/1963 on the 4th floor main office which was all general accounting at the time. Most have passed but a few may be available to enjoy. I can ID many but certainly not all. Sharon Gregory Cavaleri is likely the best to contact . Don’t know if any of the younger gals would recall names. I married Pat Gibbs Leone (2nd from let in back row) in 1997. Before that I married Carol Neu from the RGE payroll dept . back in 1964. Well anyway , good luck if you try to do anything with it.
-Bob Richardson, Mgr in General Accounting, hired 6/19/61 retired 9/1/94
Lifespan will be attending the picnic again this year.
Here is a link to their site and events:
Email from Dave Payne on 6/8/18: (I was unable to get communication out for the Memorial Day services - Molly)
Hi Molly,
I am working on the history of the RG&E Choruses and Big Band.  In the coarse of this work I found a wonderful tribute to our RG&E Service Men who left their employ at RG&E to participate in WWII.  Please see attached.  You may want to put this in our newsletter.
The RG&E Armed Forces Club put on a Memorial Day service at Scottsville Rd at noon on Tuesday May 29th at noon.  Apparently it was not communicated well, as I needed to walk around the Scottsville Rd facility on that day and announce the service will begin at noon.  There was no management representation.  I am sure the few remaining active Vet's Club members will be there again this coming Veteran's Day.
I hope you have a wonderful summer.
David Payne
Email from Heinz Kepplinger 6/27/18:
Picture link.
Don't recall the date, last fall sometime
Left to right is Heinz Kepplinger, Larry Castellano, Ed Hosmer, Pete Klein, Joe Bringley
Don Gurnett (party passed)
Kathleen Greer (Ginna)
Charlie Venishel
Obits (Click names to see obituary)
Not in any order.
Wendell L. Knoll
Anthony P. Ferrari
George Shaw
Wayne Weber
Robert S. "Bob" Barrett
Elizabeth H. Amberg
Mildred Redsicker (Millie) Trelly
If you know of folks that should be getting this newsletter - have them check their spam or junk folders. I have come across a few that we send to, request that I put their email in, but they never open them, so I assume they are caught up in spam.
Newsletter & User Maintenance:
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