
Saturday, December 5, 2020

Pioneers of RG&E Newsletter - 12/05/2020


A Newsletter for Retirees * Also posted at
Hello friends,
   I hope you are continuing to stay healthy and taking the appropriate precautions to keep you safe. 2020 has been quite the year for everyone. 
   In my own journey, I had the preventative mastectomies on 8/31 and am feeling pretty much back to normal at this point, with some residual healing that is still taking place. I've captured my journey here for those of you following me. 
   We actually have a few things within this newsletter, so grab your favorite beverage and enjoy!
   I wish you the best for your holiday season and hope for a refreshing 2021 that allows us to get together again. 
Best regards,
PS - For those of you on Facebook - our group is HERE
Don't forget these newsletters are also posted at
The old Pioneers site is active here:

Ed Messmer and Family - could use some support

"Nearly 3 years have passed since our good friend and co-worker, Ed Messmer suffered a debilitating stroke.  It has been a long, hard road for both him and his family as they face the challenges of even day to day tasks.  Ed’s progress has been slow, but considering the severity of his stroke, he has come a long way. With the help and support of his loving family, wife Debbie and daughters Nicole and Katie, Ed continues to improve.

On November 28th the Messmer family suffered another tragedy.  Their home caught fire and has been deemed un-inhabitable.  The family is looking to rehab/rebuild what they can, but this will take months.  Most items in their home have been damaged if not completely destroyed.  Thankfully, they have been able to find temporary housing and start the healing/rebuilding process.  We are hoping to help the Messmer family in any way we can to get through this difficult time, especially during the holiday season.  Thank you for taking the time to read this posting and for continued prayers and support for their family.

Any contributions will be greatly appreciated by this gracious family."

Please click HERE for donation information. Special thanks to Melissa Enright and Victor Novello for putting this together for them. 

[OR if you feel more comfortable writing a check to Pioneers of RG&E (send to 51 Chautauqua Dr, Rochester 14623, put Ed Messmer in the memo), I'd be happy to make the online donation on your behalf.]

Veterans Day Ceremony

Was canceled this year since there was not a Covid-19 vaccine, or a cure. 
However, we look forward to the possibility of holding a 2021 Memorial Day Ceremony, next Spring.

"Picnic" pictures

If you recall, in the last newsletter Jeff Trost suggested you send some pics in lieu of the picnic we couldn't have.
Below is what I received - from left to right - Gary Graus and Bob McGraw, Tom Raisbeck, Jeff Trost, Dave Whitlock.

Roger Kober 

I suspect many of you have received a letter in the mail from lawyers regarding Roger Kober and the search for people that knew him. 
The information I received is that he passed away from mesothelioma and they are looking for information about companies that supplied asbestos to RG&E. If you wanted to share anything regarding that, the lawyer is Joe Belluck, his number is (917)-204-2544 and his email is

A note from Bob Eisenburg (anyone interested in Dodger history?)

"We have moved again and are downsizing.  I have a couple of Bankers boxes of  Brooklyn Dodger history.  "The Dodgers and Me", by  Leo Durocher ; Branch Rickey's "Little Blue Book"; of course "The Boys of Summer", Roger Kahn and "Bum's",  Peter Golenbock.  There are others including Duke Snider story, Jackie Robinson, Sandy Koufax and maybe "Wait Till Next Year' Doris Kearns Goodwin.  There are also Dodger Blue Books and a complete set of Tot Holmes "Dugout" monthly's.  I tried to contact the local SABR group; but never found a contact.  Kevin Thompson, although a Yankee fan (Dodgers and Yankees are the water and oil of baseball) may know a Dodger fan who needs a boost for his archive.  For nearly fifteen years the Dodgers made the Yankees look good.  In any event please let him know I remember Maria and him fondly, although I would have caught the fly ball he hit to the wall during our last game; but my astigmatism was taking control."
Let me know and I'll put you in touch - Molly

A bit of RG&E History

I received an email from Dr. Pierce at U of R - has a bit of history for all of us!


I have collected some information on the RG&E steam system which I have put on line at:

I have made use of many of the old newsletter and yearbooks your have posted, many thanks for those!

Feel free to share this link with others.

I am also working on an article on the steam system for the Rochester History journal and will be given a presentation on it at the Rochester Central Library sometime in April.

I also have some information on the RG&E electric system at:
Morris A. Pierce, PhD
Department of History
University of Rochester"


I would LOVE to share pics of you or letters with updates if you want to share your lives. It is SO nice to be able to publish something other that obituaries - wouldn't you all like to hear about each other instead of who died? I'd rather post current life updates...Click HERE to share something for the next newsletter - a small paragraph of your status, location and what you are enjoying would be nice! (Please make it clear if there is something you don't want me to post). Thanks!

Obits (Click names to see obituary)

Not in any particular order
Note that most of the ones without obit links, I'm finding out from the Facebook group posts. 
Leonard G. Whitcraft (Mike Whitcraft's dad - Mike says HI to everyone)
Robert Joseph DeSeyn
Wilbert L. Burns
Arthur Ernest (Ernie) Lynn
Patricia Werner
Leroy W. Brown
John P. Haschmann
Joseph F. Magro
Harry J. Sowles
Sandra Lee Hutchinson
David D. Horton
Frederick S. "Fritz" Tytler

Robert Calus (did not see an obituary, his family posted on Facebook) - 
The family of Robert Calus would like to share that Bob peacefully passed away this morning at home. We appreciate all of your well wishes and in lieu of flowers, please donate to The Irondequoit Community Cupboard:
ICC c/o Debbi Evans
PO Box 17834
Rochester, NY 14617 

From our friends at Ginna

Jason James Davis
William I. "Bill" Schipper
Eugene Francis Palmer Jr
Arthur Morris
June E. Anderson

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